Meet Nata Kolesova (@natashok2001)
Q: When did you start Triathlon? What drew you into the sport?
A: I started triathlon is fall of 2016, joined the @reginamultiportclub youth team. I enjoyed running and had background in swimming, so making a switch to triathlon seemed like a good choice! In 2017, I participated in the Bridge City Duathlon in Saskatoon as my first multiport race ever!
Q: What are some successes you’ve had recently?
A: In 2023, I finished 7th at the Elite National Championships and was part of team Canada at the Americas Championships in Mexico and Columbia.
Q: How has Triathlon impacted your life and well-being?
A: I think triathlon has taught me lots as I have grown up, from basic time management skills to learning to listen to my body and be adaptable in all aspects of life. I have met some of my best friends through the sport and this sport is really what helped me choose my career path as I am about to finish my degree in kinesiology.
Q: What advice would you give to someone just starting out?
A:My advice to those starting out in the sport is to have fun and start small. Triathlon is so technologically advanced, it is so easy to get caught up in everything and get overwhelmed, but all you really need to start is a bike, helmet and some running shoes.
Q: Is there anyone you would like to thank?
A:I wanted to thank my coach, Brendan Mackenzie, and the whole Dutch Cycle (@dutchcycle) team for supporting me each year.
To hear Nata’s story in person, click here to register for our next Member Monday on December 11th where Nata will share her story.
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